Monday, March 3, 2008

A New Adventure

So I have a dear friend named Kristin Clarke who has introduced me to so many new things in my life and this is the most recent! It seems the more sophisiticated version of Myspace and Facebook and more importantly is not blocked by the school filter! It also seems a very appropriate way to keep those dear to our hearts close to us even if it is not a physical closeness. This is one of the hardest parts about the life of a pastor, pastor's wife and pastor's child. There are times that I struggle with it and wish that we had the security of family and close friends within a few moments drive. We are developing friendships here, but it is not the same. It has definitely made us lean closer to each other. I am tremendously blessed with an amazing husband who is also my best friend. Because we have experienced so much together and had to lean so strongly on each other our marriage is stronger than I ever imagined.
No matter what the circumstances though, we are blessed. Our new church is an amazing place full of the presence of God and people who long to seek His face. My life has also undergone much of a spiritual transformation as of late. I went through a desert season in my spiritual life for much of last year, and in the few short months of this year so far the Lord has been renewing me and filling me in huge amounts. Its like He is making up for lost time and pouring more and more of Himself into me. Jeremy and I have been spending time every night together really seeking God's face and He is answering prayers daily!
Okay, that is alot of heavy stuff for a Monday! On to some more updates...
Hailey girl has had her first Alabama sickness experience. The peditrician who lives across the street came to our house (yes I know this is Jasper remember) and looked her over and dubbed her a "snot queen". Bless her heart. She is not letting it slow her down though! She has lots of new tricks. Daddy's current favorite is asking her "Where's Hailey?" and she puts her hands over her eyes and says, "Pie!" (the shortened version of peep- pie). It melts a daddy's heart. Although these days it doesn't take much.
Well enough for now. I promise I will be more consistent updating this than I have been with either Myspace or Facebook!
Lots of Love!

1 comment:

MrsKristinClark said...

I LOVE IT! And I am happy to have introduced you to the world of blogging ... I love the idea of catching up with my favorite little family =)