Monday, March 10, 2008

The Fullness of Christ

My heart is overflowing as I type this today! I am reading the most amazing devotional book called "Jesus" by Beth Moore (who I love). Today's message was exactly what I needed to hear. She used the scripture about the transformation and that Christ wants to transform to us. That we can get so used to and comfortable with our view of Jesus that at times we lose what he is wanting to reveal to us about himself daily. The Lord spoke so clearly and sweetly to my heart this morning. I am usually very strong in the area of faith except for one certain area. I believe that the Lord will always provide but I always worry up until the exact moment that he does. I also believe that he will provide but I only believe him to provide enough. Today it was like the Lord pressed "Play" on the CD player and the song "Enough" by Chris Tomlin started playing in my heart. He desires to be MORE than enough for me. Not just to meet my daily needs but to EXCEED them. He wants to be immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine but I have to give him room to be! We have not because we ask not! When our faith only allows him to go so far he can't do all he wants. I have literally been hindering what the Lord wants to do in me by my lack of faith! What a realization!Praise the Lord for meeting us right where we need Him and carrying us so much farther! May each of you know today no matter what is going on that the Lord is MORE than enough!!!!

1 comment:

MrsKristinClark said...

You are so amazingly right ... we are blogging so on the same subjects! To bad we are in different states now ... but at least I can read your mind through your blog and know I am not the only one in the world like this! =)