Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sleepless Nights

Last night was one of the true joys of parenthood when my beautiful and lovely daughter chose to wake up about 12:45 and stay awake until 3 a.m. Its in those wee hours of the morning that my daughter seems to be crying for no aparent reason, that I chose to pray. There is nothing else to do as I rock 100 miles in my wonderful rocking chair. Sometimes I think the Lord uses that time to get my attention. It seems to happen on days when things have gone a thousand miles an hour and my time with the Lord slipped by the wayside. It seems like it might be His way of saying "Spend time with me...your schedule or mine?" I am not sure that all my prayers offered in a sleep induced stupor drowned out by helpless cries always make lots of sense but the Lord knows the intention of the heart.
We are preparing to really start talking about the Easter season with the teens. Its a time we hope that they reflect on how they are living and really measure it up to see if it is where they need to be. I worked with our worship band last night for close to an hour. They are coming a long way musically but I still worry about them spiritually. Pray for them to see what an integral role they play on Wednesday nights. Pray also for my sleep deprived husband as he preaches tonite with a low sleep tank.

1 comment:

MrsKristinClark said...

God renews us in any way necessary! I am so amazed by both of you and your dedication ... and I know that you are pleasing the Lord with every step you take.
I send virtual giant hugs to my two favorite youth pastors and guiders ... and that sweet little baby they have!